Ramtek, Nagpur, Maharastra, INDIA - 441106 | Email : [email protected] | Tel:+91-7114-255309
NAAC Accredited with A Grade | NBA Twice Accredited | AICTE Approved | ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 Certified | Affiliated to RTM Nagpur University | UGC,2F Recognized
NCC Annual Training Camp-625 and 626 of 2 Maha Signal Company, NCC Nagpur, held at Kavikulguru Institute of Technology and Science Campus for Eighty Seven Cadets of both KITS (28 Cadets) and SNT College (59 Cadets), Ramtek, from 5th to 11th January 2022.
Commanding officer, Lt. Col. D. B. Rai, 2 Maha Signal Company, NCC Nagpur, welcomed all the dignitaries and cadets and delivered about the importance of NCC, Camp and value of B and C certificates in the Opening Address.
Permanent Instructors Subedhar Chandan Singh, Havildars R. P. Singh, Sachin Shiwale, Haftar Singh, Rajesh Choudhary and H. N. Mishra delivered lectures and practical’s on topics such as Armed Forces, Drill, Weapon Training, Map Reading, Field Craft and Battle craft, Communication, Weapon Drill, Guard of Honor and Drill Square Test Practice of Specialized Subject Army. Lt. Col. D. B. Rai, Lt. Dr. Balasahab Lad and CTO B. Venkanna delivered talks on Borders of India, Role of NCC Cadets in the Borders and Role of NCC Cadets in 1965 war, Camp Safety and Security, Military History, Personality Development, General Awareness and Disaster Management, Camp Safety and Security and Leadership respectively. Lecture on “Traffic Rules” by Seema Bedre, Sub Inspector of Police, Ramtek, was arranged to create awareness to the cadets. Fifty trees were planted in the premises of KITS Campus on 8th January, 2022 at 1:30 PM and twenty cadets were donated blood in the Blood Donation Camp held at SNT College on 9th January, 2022 at 1:00 PM organized by GSK Blood Bank, Nagpur, as Social Service and Awareness Activity. Chief guests Dr. A. N. Shrikhande, Principal and Dr. P. S. Asthankar, Dean of Student Activities, PI Staff, CTO, ANO and all the cadets were actively participated in the Tree Plantation. Seventy Fourth “Army Day” was celebrated on 8th January, 2022 at 2:00 PM instead of 15th January 2022 due to rise in covid cases, with the felicitation of Commanding officer and PI staff by Dr. A. N. Shrikhande, Principal, Dr. P. S. Asthankar, Dean of Student Activities and B. Venkanna, NCC Care Taker Officer respectively, to respect their service in protecting the country and its citizens.
Commanding officer, Lt. Col. D. B. Rai discussed about the feedback and motivated the cadets to prepare for B and C Certificate Examination. Dr. A. N. Shrikhande, Principal, KITS, Ramtek, Dr. P. S. Asthankar, Dean of Student Activities, KITS, Ramtek, Dr. Sangeetha Takkamore, Principal, SNT College, Ramtek and Commanding officer, Lt. Col. D. B. Rai distributed certificates and medals to the winners and runners up of Drill competition and Tug of war and participation certificates to all the cadets. All the guests and cadets were sung NCC song at the end of both Opening and Closing Address. Cadet Under Officer Devarshi Patel and Company Sergeant Master Shreyash Raut anchored the Prize Distribution. Group Captain M. Khalim, Group Commander, NCC Group, Nagpur visited Annual Training Camp on 7th January, 2022 at 1:00 PM. He admired arrangements made by KITS, the way of execution by CO, PI Staff, ANO, CTO, and all the cadets and recorded the same in the official feedback register. Also, Commanding officer, Lt. Col. D. B. Rai, expressed gratitude to Dr. A. N. Shrikhande, Principal, KITS, Ramtek and his team for providing support to conduct Annual Training Camp smoothly and successfully.
Annual Training Camp became grand success with the support and cooperation of Management, Principal, Deans, Associate Deans, HODs, Project Office team, Staff, Commanding Officer, PI Staff, ANO, CTO and all cadets.